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Catégorie : Archives

Bal Tashchit

A few years ago, I planted a passionfruit vine in my garden. It was very

Arba Kosot

I have heard there is an inyan to only drink wine for Arba Kosot and

Birkat HaIlanot

I have a serious operation scheduled right before Rosh Chodesh Nissan and it might take

Hilchot Challah

My wife was taking Challah last Erev Shabbat. After she pulled out a piece of

Wedding ring

I was at a wedding of a relative and I was standing next to the

Meaty rice

I work in the kitchen of the Yeshiva and when we serve the chicken and

Matanot to an Avel

Unfortunately, my father passed away six months ago. In the meantime, I have Baruch Hashem

Sifrei Kodesh

When I pray in the bet Knesset, I put my siddur on the table in

Tinok Shenishbah

My nonreligious cousins came to us for a meal and touched the wine I poured

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