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Catégorie : Archives


I know that the parnassa of a person is set from Rosh Hashana until RH.


What does it mean fearfully in psalms 139 14 mean

Yigal Bin Nun

Shalom, What do you think of Yigal Bin Nun book about Hashem and his comments


Tradition says that the prophet Jeremiah wrote the books of the Kings, and correspondingly Kings

AppleWhite Theorem

Dear Rabbi,—Step-22—The-Applewhite-Theorem Is there an academic source for the Applewhite theorem ? Thank You

womens lib

Three women can bensh mezuman but ten women cannot absolve bircat hagomel said by another

Bugs in Cauliflower

I heard you can blend, grind or mash cauliflower, broccoli or strawberries & then eat

Animal Sacrifices

What is the meaning of animal sacrifices in Deuteronomy. Why reinstitute these instructions now, when

Age of the World

If scientists keep telling us that the world or things they find are a billion

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